Return of Feather Article

Dear Tribal Members and Friends:

I pray all is well in your household. I have some exciting news. At 10 AM on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, the Department of Interior will give me back the forty-two eagle feathers they took away from our Spring Pow Wow back on March 11, 2006. This will be a big win for our family, for our tribe and for all Native people. This will be the first time in the history of the Department of Interior that they will give back eagle feathers to a Native who is not from a federally acknowledged tribe, but to a Native from a member of a state acknowledged tribe. I wish I could tell you more but I am not at liberty at the moment to share what will happen now. All I can tell you is that the fight is not over and I will continue to fight for the restoration of our rights as Native People. I will write more later as I am given permission by our lawyers. But for now, please rejoice over a great victory for our family and for the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas.

God bless,

Robert Soto, Pastor and Vice Chairman of the Lipan Apache Tribe of TX


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